[DhtmlXQ_adddate]2011-10-01 21:29:01[/DhtmlXQ_adddate]
[DhtmlXQ_editdate]2011-10-01 21:29:00[/DhtmlXQ_editdate]
[DhtmlXQ_open]A24 飞相横车对右士角炮[/DhtmlXQ_open]
[DhtmlXQ_comment0]GAME||TIME 60 30 2988 2857 ||RESULT 0.5-0.5||RED PCQ3809; 1892; NT||BLACK trying; 2062; NT||DATE 2000-07-09||PLACE Internet Chinese Chess Server||START{||1. G0-E2 B7-D7||2. A0-A1 B9-C7||3. A1-D1 H9-G7||4. B0-A2 A9-B9||5. A3-A4 B9-B5||6. D1-D4 B5-F5||7. A2-B4 C6-C5||8. H0-G2 F9-E8||9. F0-E1 H7-H5||10. I0-F0 G6-G5||11. D4-H4 H5-H2||12. H4-H2 F5-F0||13. E1-F0 G9-E7||14. H2-H4 I9-H9||15. H4-D4 H9-H1||16. D0-E1 H1-F1||17. G3-G4 G7-F5||18. D4-E4 G5-G4||19. E4-G4 F1-F3||20. B2-D2 ...||# MAGNETO: I"d like to recruite the winner of this game to combat the X-men.||20. ... F3-G3||# MAGNETO: Don"t do it!||21. G4-G3 F5-G3||22. E2-G4 D7-D5||# MAGNETO: Do it! Draw game if I care.||23. B4-D5 C7-D5||24. C0-E2 D5-F4||25. D2-A2 E6-E5||26. A2-D2 F4-D3||27. D2-D1 D3-C1||28. C3-C4 C5-C4||29. E2-C4 E5-E4||30. E3-E4 G3-E4||31. C4-E2 E4-C3||32. E0-D0 C3-A4||# MAGNETO: red wants draw game.||33. E1-D2 C1-B3||34. F0-E1 A4-C3||35. G2-H4 C3-B1||36. D0-E0 }[/DhtmlXQ_comment0]
[DhtmlXQ_comment19]drawish line[/DhtmlXQ_comment19]