[DhtmlXQ_adddate]2012-02-06 13:01:00[/DhtmlXQ_adddate]
[DhtmlXQ_editdate]2012-02-06 13:01:00[/DhtmlXQ_editdate]
[DhtmlXQ_title]db 20110919 mmlm[/DhtmlXQ_title]
[DhtmlXQ_author]jim xqinenglish[/DhtmlXQ_author]
[DhtmlXQ_comment0]db 20110919 mmlm||Pawn and chariot endgames are amongst the most complex if not the most complex endgames there are. There is much variation to the seemingly benign combination![/DhtmlXQ_comment0]
[DhtmlXQ_comment1]Great move! Red threatens with a mate, forcing black to give up the center with this move![/DhtmlXQ_comment1]
[DhtmlXQ_comment5]this is the second key move of the game. Red must control the center![/DhtmlXQ_comment5]
[DhtmlXQ_comment7]great move! this is an example of an attacking idle move.||Red has prevented any possible checkmates now![/DhtmlXQ_comment7]
[DhtmlXQ_comment8]correct move! This is to prevent red from controlling the center with K6=5[/DhtmlXQ_comment8]
[DhtmlXQ_comment9]another key move to winning!||The black king is now severely restricted in his movement.[/DhtmlXQ_comment9]
[DhtmlXQ_comment13]another superb move!||This is to prevent black from controlling the all important center.[/DhtmlXQ_comment13]
[DhtmlXQ_comment15]and black would definitely lose now![/DhtmlXQ_comment15]
[DhtmlXQ_comment1_13]red cannot rush his moves![/DhtmlXQ_comment1_13]
[DhtmlXQ_comment1_18]and it would be a draw. Red has wasted a perfect opportunity to win.[/DhtmlXQ_comment1_18]
[DhtmlXQ_comment2_8]wrong move! red would win easily now.[/DhtmlXQ_comment2_8]
[DhtmlXQ_comment2_11]and red would win![/DhtmlXQ_comment2_11]
[DhtmlXQ_comment3_7]this is NOT a good move. red has fallen for black's trap.[/DhtmlXQ_comment3_7]
[DhtmlXQ_comment3_12]and it would be a complex situation with neither side guaranteed of a win.[/DhtmlXQ_comment3_12]
[DhtmlXQ_comment3_14]a draw would be likely.[/DhtmlXQ_comment3_14]
[DhtmlXQ_comment4_14]a draw would be likely.[/DhtmlXQ_comment4_14]
[DhtmlXQ_comment5_9]and black cannot stop red's checkmate.[/DhtmlXQ_comment5_9]
[DhtmlXQ_comment6_13]and red would win with R5+2 on the next possible move.[/DhtmlXQ_comment6_13]
[DhtmlXQ_comment7_7]and red would definitely win now![/DhtmlXQ_comment7_7]
[DhtmlXQ_comment8_7]and the rest of the moves are the same![/DhtmlXQ_comment8_7]
[DhtmlXQ_comment9_1]nope, no can do[/DhtmlXQ_comment9_1]
[DhtmlXQ_comment10_8]and this would be a draw according to the rules.||Red would have wasted a perfectly good chance of a win.[/DhtmlXQ_comment10_8]