[DhtmlXQ_adddate]2012-03-08 07:11:00[/DhtmlXQ_adddate]
[DhtmlXQ_editdate]2012-03-08 07:11:00[/DhtmlXQ_editdate]
[DhtmlXQ_title]eg 1r hw 1h2e[/DhtmlXQ_title]
[DhtmlXQ_comment0]eg 1r hw 1h2e||If the horse side defends correctly, it is usually a draw for an endgame of such content.||The key to forcing a draw is to join the elephants, and of the elephants must be preferably at the river side. If the horse can be at the center, it would be a draw. ||Otherwise, the chariot side has many ways of winning.[/DhtmlXQ_comment0]
[DhtmlXQ_comment2]This is the best formation.[/DhtmlXQ_comment2]
[DhtmlXQ_comment12]A draw!!![/DhtmlXQ_comment12]