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(一)比赛采用积分编排制,特级大师组赛 7 轮、公开组赛
13 轮。
(二) 冠、亚军决赛及其他名次确定:特级大师组第 6 轮、公开组第 12 轮结束后,排名前 2 名的棋手,无论之前是否碰过,均进行冠亚军决赛。其他棋手继续进行最后轮比赛,确定第 3 名及以后名次。
(三) 冠、亚军决赛,先以一盘慢棋决胜负,分出胜负比赛即结束(平衡双方的先后手,如果双方前面轮次先后手次数一样,由名次列前者选择先后手)。若慢棋弈和,则双方交换先后手,依次加赛快棋、超快棋;如进入附加赛,则由超快棋后手方选择先后手。
(四) 冠、亚军棋手最终比赛积分:为积分编排比赛积分+ 决赛慢棋得分之和。对手分按最终积分计算。
(五) 比赛用时:
1、 特级大师组:每方基本用时 50 分钟,每走一步加 10 秒。
2、 公开组:每方基本用时 30 分钟,每走一步加 5 秒。
3、 冠亚军加赛用时:
(1) 快棋:每方基本用时 10 分钟,每走一步加 10 秒。
(2) 超快棋:每方基本用时 5 分钟,每走一步加 5 秒。
(3) 附加赛:红方 6 分钟、黑方 4 分钟,每走一步加 3 秒,和棋黑胜。
(一)特级大师组按 2023 年 5 月 31 日截止期象棋棋手慢棋等级分顺序排列(男前女后)分为上、下两个半区;上半区依次抽取单数号;下半区依次抽取双数号进行配对,对阵形式为 1-2、
(二)公开组由电脑随机确定棋手序号,对阵形式为 1-2、
(三) 各轮比赛同队编排均不回避。
(一) 棋手不需做比赛记录。
(二) 自然限着
1、 采用“自然限着和棋”限步办法,由第一着开始,凡双方共走 100 步仍未有吃子记录,不论局势如何均作为和局。其中提和方“将军”最多只计 10 着。
2、 棋手提出自然限着计步,须经裁判审核同意后,由裁判停钟,记录好开始计自然限着的步数,然后开钟继续比赛并录像。
(三) 对局终了时,棋手要举手示意。由裁判会同双方确认比赛结果后,签字认可(输棋方签字,和棋双方签字),办完手续后,棋具复原,及时退场。
(四) 每轮比赛裁判长宣布开赛后,迟到 10 分钟未到场就座者,该轮成绩按弃权论处。
(四) 快棋(超快棋、附加赛)细则
(一) 未走棋先按钟当即判负。
(二) 比赛中如发生一方碰乱棋子后按钟或按钟后碰乱棋子的情况,判碰乱方负。标准为碰乱两个及以上棋子,或将棋子碰出棋盘外。
(三) 自然限着
采用 80 步“自然限着和棋”限步办法,提出方的将军着数只计 8 着。自然限着的审核,可在对局中或对局终了后(签字前) 提出,如属实则判和;不属实,实际结果有效。
(五) 赛场纪律
(一) 严格执行中国象棋协会印发的《中国象棋协会纪律准则和处罚规定》。
(二) 严格执行《世界象棋规则》“赛员须知”。
(三) 棋手进入赛场须关闭手机,并将手机反扣在棋桌上。
(六) 未尽事宜由大会裁判组根据规则精神予以裁处。
2023 年 6 月 1 日
Supplemental Rules to 2023 “Belt & Road” King of
Xiangqi Xie Xiaxun Cup Xiangqi International Open
1. Competition method
1) Swiss system will be adopted with a total of 7 rounds for GM Group and 13 rounds for Open Group.
2) Final and Rank: After the 6 rounds of the GM Group and the 12 rounds of the Open Group, the top two players, regardless of whether they have met before, will compete in the final.The other players will continue with the final round of the game to determine their third and other positions.
3) The final will be decided by a slow game, and the first or second move of two players will be balanced. If the first and second move of the two players are the same in the previous rounds, the one who ranked higher will select first. If the slow game is a draw, the two players will exchange their first and second move, and then play the rapid and blitz game in turn; if they enter the playoff, the player who played the blitz game in the second move will choose the first or second move.
4) Points for champion and runner-up: Points will be calculated according to the scores of Swiss system and the final slow game. Their opponents points are calculated based on the final points.
5)Time format:
i. GM Group: Basic timing 50 minutes + 10 seconds increment per player per move.
ii. Open Group: Basic timing 30 minutes + 5 seconds increment per player per move. iii. Time format for the final:
Rapid: Basic timing 10 minutes + 10 seconds increment per player per move. Blitz: Basic timing 5 minutes + 5 seconds increment per player per move. Extra: red 6 minutes vs black 4 minutes, + 3 seconds increment per player per game, black would win in the event of a draw.
2. Pairing method for the first round
1) The GM group is divided into two half areas according to the order of the players' slow grades (male in the front and female next) by the deadline of May 31, 2023. Extract singular numbers sequentially from the upper half area, pairing by sequentially extracting even numbers from the lower half area. The form of the match is 1-2, 4-3, 5-6... and so on.
2)The open group randomly determines the player's serial number by computer. The form of the match is 1-2, 4-3, 5-6... and so on.
3)The players who play for the same country will not be avoided to play against each other.
3. Regulation
1) Players do not need to keep recording of the moves.
2) Natural move counts
i. The "natural limit and draw" step limit method will be adopted. Starting from the first move, if both sides take a total of 100 moves without any record of capturing, regardless of the situation, it will be judged to a draw. The player who reclaims, his total checks will be limited at 10 moves total (the rest checks will be ignored).
ii. The player proposes the natural move counts. After the arbiter reviews and agrees, the arbiter stops the clock, records the number of the move that is naturally counted, and then starts the clock to continue the game with video recording.
iii. At the end of the game, the players shall raise their hands. After the arbiter confirms the result of the match with both sides, sign and approve it (signature of the loser and signature of both players in case of a draw). After completing the procedures, the players shall restore the equipment and exit in time.
4) As soon as the Chief Arbiter announces the start of the match, those who are 10 minutes late and do not show up and take their seats will lose the game.
4. Rapid (Blitz, Extra) Match Regulation
1) If the clock is pressed before the move is played, the player will be judged to lose game immediately.
2) If a party presses the clock or touches the clock after the clock is touched during the game, the opponent will be judged to lose. The standard is to disrupt two or more pieces, or to move pieces out of the board.
3) Natural move counts
Within 80 moves without taking a piece, the game will be judged to draw. The player who reclaims, his total checks will be limited at 8 moves total (the rest checks will be ignored). Natural Move Counts review can be submitted during the game or after the game is over (before signing). If it is true, the judgment of a draw is made; if it is not true, the actual result is valid.
5. discipline
1) All competitors should obey the Disciplinary Rules and Punishment Regulations of the Chinese Xiangqi Association published by Chinese Xiangqi Association.
2) All competitors should obey Notice to Competitors in WXF Xiangqi Rules. 3) After entering the tournament venue, players must turn off the mobile phone and place the mobile phone back on the table. During the competition, the use of mobile phones is prohibited. if found (reported) using a communication tool or the phone rings, he will be sentenced to lose game immediately.
6. Matters not covered shall be adjudicated by the judging team of the Arbiter Committee in accordance with the spirit of the rules.
The Arbiter Committee
June 1st 2023


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