比赛编号:10571 [已锁定] 信息来源:henry 信息录入:henrylimingjian 更新时间:2023-07-07 | ||||||||
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第九届北美杯象棋锦标赛竞赛规程 一、 主办单位:北美洲象棋联合会 二、 承办单位:加拿大列治文山象棋协会 三、 协办单位:加拿大中国象棋总会 四、 竞赛时间和地点:2023 年 7 月 1 日至 3 日,在加拿大列治文山象棋协会举行。 地址:4278 Stouffville Rd,Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON. L4A 7X5 五、竞赛项目: (一) 青少年组:网络个人赛 (二) 成年组:个人赛及团体赛 六、参赛资格: (一) 青少年组:仅限北美地区 2007 年 7 月 1 日之后出生的棋手参赛。 (二) 成年组:北美象棋联合会会员及会友单位可报名一只参赛队伍,举办方可报两只参赛队伍,每只队伍包括棋手 2 人,或加领队 1 人。 七、竞赛办法: (一)青少年组: 1、 执行天天象棋规则,遇有棋规、断线、超时,系统自动判决。 2、 采用积分编排赛制,共赛五轮。 3、 比赛用时:每局棋每方基本用时 15 分钟,每走一步加 5 秒。 (二)成人组: 1、 采用《世界象棋规例》。 2、 采用积分编排赛制,共赛七轮。 3、 比赛用时:每局棋基本用时 60 分钟,每走一步加时 30 秒。 4、 每轮胜方得 2 分,和棋各得 1 分,负方 0 分。如果积分相等,按世界象棋联合会审定的《世界象棋规则》裁定。团体赛由同队两名棋手的个人名次的数字相加,总数小者为胜。假如相等,则以拥有最小数字的小组列前。 5、 参赛选手应自行记录著法,每局漏记四著作违例一次,超过四著由裁判判罚。漏記之著法可运用自己时间补记。如裁判提出必须即时补记,选手不补记者判负。 6、 以下情况视为技朮犯规: 参赛选手以任何方式干扰对手比賽。 连续提和。提议作和,如对方拒绝(对手继续走子视为拒绝),不可连续提出。可申请裁判记自然限招。 不按规定按钟。按钟时,应用走子的手轻按。 比赛进行时使用手机。 八、奖励办法: (一) 青少年组:奖励前十六名,奖金分配为:第一名 CA$100 元;第二名 CA$60;第三名 CA$40;第四至八名各 CA$10;第九至十六名 CA$5。 (二) 成年组:个人奖励前八名,奖金分配为:第一名 CA$1500;第二名 CA$1000 元;第三、四名各 CA$500 元;第五至八名各 CA$200。 (三) 成人组个人及团体比赛前三名获奖杯。 (四) 青少年组报名不足十六人将递减一名进行奖励。 九、报名: (一) 报名参加比赛的棋手应身体健康。 (二) 报名办法: 1、 青少年组:自由报名,无需缴纳赛事服务费。 2、 成年组:报名时需缴纳赛事服务费:US$500/队(含税)。 报名地址:加拿大列治文山象棋协会 联系人:马兴威 电话:+1(416)821-9999 (三)所有参赛棋手应于 2023 年 6 月 24 日前报名,逾期无效。 十、 报到: 请于 2024 年 6 月 30 日 21:00 前前往加拿大列治文山象棋协会报到。 十一、 经费: (一) 棋手一切费用自理。 (二) 组委会负责安排 7 月 3 日答谢晚宴 十二、日程安排: 6 月 30 日 21:00 前报到,21:30 -22:30 技术会议。 7 月 1 日 8:00-9:00,开幕式 7 月 1 日 9:00-12:00,成年组第一轮比赛 7 月 1 日 12:00-13:00,午餐 7 月 1 日 13:30 -16:30,成年组第二轮比赛 7 月 1 日 17:00- 18:30,晚餐 7 月 1 日 19:00- 22:00,成年组第三轮比赛 7 月 2 日 9:00-12:00,成年组第四轮比赛 7 月 2 日 12:00-13:30,午餐 7 月 2 日 12:00 -17:00,成年组第五轮比赛、青少年组第一至五轮比赛 7 月 3 日 9:00-12:00,成年组第六轮比赛 7 月 3 日 12:00-13:30,午餐 7 月 3 日 12:00 -17:00,成年组第七轮比赛 7 月 3 日 17:30-19:00,闭幕式 7 月 3 日 19:00,答谢晚宴 7 月 4 日离会。 十三、相关细则请关注组委会公告。十四、请棋手着正装出席大会活动。 十五、 未尽事宜另行补充通知。 十六、 本规程解释权属大会组委会。   The 9th North American Cup Xiangqi Championship Regulations 1. Main Organizer: North American Xiangqi Federation 2. Secondary Organizer: Richmond Hill Xiangqi Association 3. Co-organizer: Canadian Chinese Chess Association 4. The date and place of the event: from 1 to 3 July 2023, at Richmond Hill Xiangqi Association 5. Events: (A) Participants of cadets: Individual (B) Participants of adults: Individual and teams 6. Qualification: (A) Participants of cadets: Only for participants who was born before 1st July 2007 (B) Participants of adults: All members and associate members of the North American Xiangqi Federation can sign up for one team, and the Secondary organizer can sign up for two teams. Each team includes 2 players and 1 team leader. 7. Competition Rules: (A) Participants of cadets: - Apply the rules of Tiantian Xiangqi. The system will make the judgement automatically if the player did not follow the rules or the game is over time or there is a line disconnection problem. - Apply 5 Rounds Swiss System arrangement. - Duration: 15 minutes will be set for each game, each move will receive 5 seconds. (B) Participants of adults: - Apply World Xiangqi Regulations - Apply 7 Rounds Swiss System arrangement. - Duration: 60 minutes will be set for each game, each move will receive 30 seconds. . - The winner earns 2 points for the match; which Loser 0 points. Tie-break will be ruled according to the "World Xiangqi Rules" approved by the World Xiangqi Federation. In the team competition, the numbers of the personal rankings of the two players on the same team are added, and the one with the smaller total wins. Tie-break, the group with the lowest number will be listed first. - Players should record notations by themselves, and there will be one violation if they miss four moves notations in each game, and the arbiter will punish it if more than four moves are exceeded. Players can use your own time to complete the missing notations. If the arbiter proposes to complete the record immediately, the player who does not complete the Notation will be judged as lose. - The following situations are considered technical fouls: . Interfere with the opponent's game in any way. . Continuous withdrawal. If the opponent refuses (the opponent continues to move as a rejection), it cannot be proposed consecutively. You can apply for a natural movecount. Do not press the chessclock as required. The chessclock must be pressed lightly by the same hand with moving pieces. . Use your cell phone while the game is in progress. . 8. Ranking and Awards: (A)Participants of cadets: 1st Place: CA$ 100 2nd Place: CA$ 60 3rd Place: CA$ 40 4th to 8th Place: CA$ 10 9th to 16th Place: CA$ 5 (B) : 1st Place: $ 1500 2nd Place: $ 1000 3rd- 4th Place: $ 500 5th to 8th Place: CA$ 200 - Cups for the first 3 places of Participants of adults, both Individual and teams - Participants of cadets: if less than 16 people who register for the contest, the last place will not receive a prize. 9. Entry: (A) Candidates must be in good health. (B) Registration: - Participants of cadets: Free registration, No registration fees. - Participants of adults: US$ 500 / team (Taxes are included) Address: Richmond Hill Xiangqi Association - Contact person: John MA - Telephone: +1 (416) 821-9999 - Deadline: 24th June, 2023 10. Registration: Please visit Richmond Hill Xiangqi Association on 30th June 2023 before 21:00. 11. Expenses: (A) All costs are borne by the participants (B) The organizer is responsible for organizing the dinner in 3rd July 12. Arrangement: 30th June: Until 21:00: Registration 21:30 -22: 30 Technical Meetings 1th July: 8:00-9:00 Opening ceremony 9:00-12:00 Round One of Participants of adults 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:30 -16:30 Round Two of Participants of adults 17:00- 18:30 Dinner 19:00- 22:00 Round Three of Participants of adults 2nd July: 9:00-12:00 Round Four of Participants of adults 12:00-13:30 Lunch 12:00 -17:00 Round Five of Participants of adults, Round one to Five of Participants of cadets 3rd July: 9:00-12:00 Round Six of Participants of adults 12:00-13:30 Lunch 12:00 -17:00 Round Seven of Participants of adults 17:30-19:00 Awards ceremony 19:00 Diner 2nd July: End and departure 13. Please pay attention to the announcement of the Organizing Committee to catch related rules 14. Players please attend the activities with the formal clothes 15. Matters uncovered in the Regulations will be further notified in due course 16. All rights to the Regulations are reserved by the Organizing Committee. | ||||||||
赞助单位 | ||||||||
下一个:2023年新疆维吾尔自治区第十四届运动会群众比赛 象棋上一个:2023年重庆市青少年象棋锦标赛 8岁组女子 |