比赛编号:184 [已锁定] 信息来源: 信息录入:东萍公司 更新时间:2010-11-23 | ||||
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个人奖金 冠军:美金$700 亚军:美金$300 季军:美金$200 殿军: 美金$100 第五~八名:美金$50 | ||||
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比赛规程 | ||||
2001年网络象棋促进会象棋个人赛The IXPA 2001 Individual Tournament ( IT2001 ). 简章摘要 1. 赞助者:网络象棋促进会(The Internet Xiangqi Promotion Association ( IXPA ). 2. 比赛名称:The IXPA 2001 Individual Tournament ( IT2001 ). 3. 比赛网站位址与伺服器 第一回合在奕天棋缘网站网址:(www.movesky.net ) 第二回合在vbiccs IXQS server 网址:ixqs.dnsq.org 5555 4. 大会组织: 大会主席:郑守贤先生 Richard Cheng Sau Yin ( sycheng ) 赛程安排兼裁判长 : Fung Yu Hing ( hing ) 选手配对,报名事务处理:谢文川先生 Richard Tse ( rtse) IXQS 行政人员: Elton Yuen, Peter Sung, Stephen Fung, Ximing Zheng, Zengxiang Tong, Yu Hing Fung, Richard Cheng. 奕天棋缘网站主管: 于敏 ( hooker ). 委员会成员 : 郑守贤先生( USA ) ;阮国衡 ( Canada ) ;Peter Sung (Canada ) ; Stephen Fung ( Canada ) ; Ximing Zheng ( badger )( Canada ) ; 陈允亨 (Canada ) ; Ming Yu ( hooker )( China ) ; 蒋泽文先生( China ) ; L.Y. Cheung ( yunyi )( China ) ; DeZhi Zhoa (电脑象棋trying作者 )( China ) ; 童增祥先生( USA ) ; Yu Hing Fung (hing )( Hong Kong ) ; 谢文川先生( USA ) ; 郑勤霖先生( USA ) ; 吴韧先生 ( 电脑象棋mrsj作者 )( USA ) ; Shu Kai Wong ( winyes )( Hong Kong ); 何国平先生 ( Hong Kong ) ; King Yeung Tam ( Superman )(Hong Kong ) ; 赖罗平先生 ( Hong Kong ) ; Richard Chang ( whtl)( Tai Wan ) ; Hu Haiyu ( qiqiu )( Singapore ) ; 陆建初先生( kdlook)( Malaysia ) . 5. 根据大会主席:郑守贤先生所发布的最新消息 比赛方式已改为八轮瑞士制 且预定由60名中国大陆,台湾,香港,美国,加拿大,马来西亚等地区的高手参加. 比赛规则将采用亚洲规则.全部比赛也将在奕天棋缘网站举行. 用时采55.15.60制,缺席二次者将遭到淘汰,在赛程中可提出一次请假,以和棋计分 但必须在大会对手名单未排定前提出请假和棋请求.... 6.IT2001比赛日期-时间: 比赛日期-时间: 很可能会安排在连续几周的(北京时间周日早上十点)(纽约时间周六晚上九点.) 第一场比赛将于 (北京时间2001年11月25日周日早上十点)(纽约时间2001年11月24日周六晚上九点.) 全部赛程将于2002年元月结束这中间将包括耶诞节及新年元诞的假期棋手可申请延后, 但最多以两次为限..... 7. 奖金 冠军:美金$700 亚军:美金$300 季军:美金$200 殿军: 美金$100 第五~八名:美金$50 以下为英文原稿中文若有错译,依英文原稿为准.并请通知我修正. 1. IT2001 will be an 8 round Swiss system Individual Tournament. All rounds will be played at the MXQ server. Registration deadline is November 18 2001. Round 1 will start at 9pm ( DST ) 24 November 2001, Saturday evening i.e. 10am ( Beijing time ) 25 November, Sunday morning. The rounds willl be played at eight consecutive weekends. No qualifying rounds or other restrictions are required. Time format for each game is 55.15.60. Asian Rules will be used. Players who were absent for more than 2 rounds would be automatically disqualified. Also players are allowed to ask for postponements of their games but not more than 2 times. Players can ask for a half point BYE once only and the request for the BYE must be submitted to the admins before the pairings of the next round is issued. In case of doubts and problems arisen due to slow transmissions, system failures, bugs , off lines , chess rules etc., the affected cases must be refered to the Chief Referee yhfung ( or other admins present such as truename, rtse, hero_Jang etc ) as soon as possible. The Chief Referee will consult the Organizing Committee for a judgement and the decision of the Organizing Committee is final. IT2001 is sponsered by IXPA and there will be 8 prizes ie. USD $700, $300, $200, $100, $50, $50, $ 50 $ 50. | ||||
赞助单位 | ||||
下一个:2002年IXPA第02届超霸杯网络国手对抗赛 上一个:2003年大利昌五金杯网络象棋团体赛 |