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-=> 2009年第03届亚洲室内运动会男子团体规程+资讯+棋谱+对阵+成绩                添加资讯 编辑比赛 比赛列表
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2009年第03届亚洲室内运动会 男子团体

比赛编号:282 [已锁定]

裁 判 长:
编 排 长:
裁 判 员:
资 料 员:
团体场分:胜1 和0.5负0
个人局分:胜1 和0.5负0

查看所有资讯(2) 添加比赛视频 添加比赛图片 添加比赛竞猜 查看参赛名单(22.6) 查看比赛棋谱(33) 最新胜率统计(5) 
第01轮对阵 第02轮对阵 第03轮对阵 第04轮对阵 第05轮对阵 
第01轮排行 第02轮排行 第03轮排行 第04轮排行 第05轮排行 

01. 亚洲室内运动会象棋男团落幕 中国五战全胜顺利卫冕东萍公司浏览 1813 次2009-11-06
02. 亚室会象棋男子快棋赛落幕 王斌局分超谢靖幸运夺金东萍公司浏览 1876 次2009-11-08





2.1 比赛地点:越南广宁省下龙市珍珠酒店(Pearl’s Hall)
2.2 报告地点:越南广宁省下龙市珍珠酒店



11月2日19:30 领队会议

09:00 团体第一轮 19:30 团体第二轮

09:00 团体第三轮 19:30 团体第四轮

09:00 团体第五轮 19:30 团体第六轮

09:00 团体第七轮,团体赛颁奖 19:30 个人快棋第一至第三轮

09:00 个人快棋第四至第六轮 19:30 个人快棋第七至第九轮,个人赛颁奖

11月8日 离会


5.1 所有奥林匹克会员单位运动员。
5.2 亚洲奥林匹克理事会成员国或地区运动员。
5.3 每个参赛代表团不超过10人,其中设领队、教练各1人,男、女运动员各不超过4人。团体赛每队3名运动员,另设替补1名,个人赛参赛人数每队不得超过2人。



7.1 裁判委员会及裁判员联席会议于2009年11月2日召开。
7.2 领队会于2009年11月2日19:30召开。

8.1 比赛遵照世界象棋联合会最新规则执行。
8.2 规则如因译文原因出现争议,以英文版本为准。规则以外的争议,最终判决以下列遵循:1.一般争议:亚洲奥林匹克理事会相关规则 2.技术问题:世界象棋联合会相关规则。










15.1 比赛运动员兴奋剂检测由亚奥理事会医药委员员参照世界反兴奋剂机构标准进行。
15.2 比赛结束被抽检的运动员接到通知后,由教练或者队医陪同并带上运动员卡,必须一小时内到检测中心接受检查。接到待检通知未按时检测者将按检测阳性处理。
15.3 性别甄别依照亚奥理事会相关规定进行,仅在有必要时进行该项检查。


16.1 英语与越南语为颁奖仪式官方语言。
16.2 所有受奖者必须着其所在代表团的奥林匹克传统服装。
16.3 颁奖出场顺序:前三名发奖牌,按第三名、第二名、第一名顺序听候上台领奖。
16.4 奖项

--- 第一名:金牌及获奖证书。
--- 第二名:银牌及获奖证书。
--- 第三名:铜牌及获奖证书,由半决赛失利者并列获得。


--- 第一名:金牌及获奖证书。
--- 第二名:银牌及获奖证书。
--- 第三名:铜牌及获奖证书。


附:第三届亚洲室内运动会象棋竞赛规程 英文原文供参考:

1. Date and Place:
The Xiangqi competition for Vietnam – 2009, 3rd Asian Indoor Game will be held in Vietnam from 3rd of November to 7th of November, 2009 in Quang Ninh Province. This schedule is, however, subject to changes depending on the final number of entries.

2. Venue:
2.1 Competition Venue: The competition will be held at Ha Long Pearl’s Hall.
2.2 Training Venue: The training will be conducted at the competition venue.

3. Events: 4 events
– Standard team Men
– Standard team Women
– Rapid Individual Men
– Rapid Individual Women

4. Tentative Competition Schedule:

Date/ Time/ Event/ Round
2nd November 19.30 Technical Meeting 
3rd November 9:00 Standard Team (Men &Women) Round 1
19:30 Standard Team (Men &Women) Round 2
4th November 9:00 Standard Team (Men &Women) Round 3
19:30 Standard Team (Men &Women) Round 4
5th November 9:00 Standard Team (Men &Women) Round 5
19:30 Standard Team (Men &Women) Round 6
6th November 9:00 Standard Team (Men &Women) & Awarding Round 7
19:30 Rapid Individual (Men &Women) Round 1-3
7th November 9:00 Rapid Individual (Men &Women) Round 4-6
19:30 Rapid Individual (Men &Women) & Awarding Round 7-9
8th November Departure

5. Eligibility:
5.1 The 3rd Asian Indoor Games – Xiangqi Competition is exclusive for Athletes representing the National Olympic Committee (NOC)
5.2 Only competitions who comply with the condition integrated in OCA constitution are entitled to participate.
5.3 Each team representing their NOC for Xiangqi competition, may be composed of no more than 10 persons, one (1) Head of Delegation; one (1) coach; not more than four (4) Men players and not more than four (4) Women athletes.
For all the Team Events, each team shall be composed of four (4) players: 3 players + reserve.
For all Individual Events, each NOC is allowed register not more than two (2) players.

6. Entries:
6.1. Entries of each participating NOC must be submitted in accordance with the regulations laid by VAIGOC.
6.2 Deadline for Entry Forms by number (Preliminary):
Preliminary Entry Forms by number from Technical Officials and each participating NOC, forwarded through the respective National Olympic Committee (NOC) must be completed and should be received by VAIGOC no later than 30th of July, 2009 at 18:00 hours, Vietnam Local time.
6.3 Deadline for Entry Form by Name (Final):
The Entry Form by name must be received by VAIGOC no later than 15th of September, 2009 at 18:00 hours, Vietnam Local time.
The completed Entry by name Form must be submitted for each athlete and must include all necessary information including the athlete’s full name.
NOCs may make changes or submit amended Entry by Name forms up to and including the day of deadline, but no such amendments will be permitted after the deadline.
6.4 Both entries by number and by name forms may be sent by fax and subsequently confirmed with stamped original by posting to the following address:
Vietnam – 2009, 3rd Asian Indoor Game Organizing Committee (VAIGOC)
Address: 36 Tran Phu Str, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Telephone: 84.8.38457420/ 84.8.37471275
Fax: 84.8.38436008
Email: olympic*vnn.vn ??a ch? email này ?? ???c b?o v? t? spam bots, b?n c?n kích ho?t Javascript ?? xem nó.
Website: www.vaigoc2009.com

7. Technical Meeting:
7.1 A joint meeting of jury and referees will be held on 2nd of November, 2009.
7.2 The Team Manager Meeting will be held at 19:30 am on 2nd of November, 2009.

8. General Rules and Regulations:
8.1. Competition rules: The Xiangqi Competition of Vietnam – 2009, 3rd Asian Indoor Games will be conducted in accordance with the latest WXF Rules (latest version)
8.2. In case of translation related to disagreement over the rulers, the English text shall prevail. Any unforeseen incident not addressed by the rules shall be resolved as follows:
1. General issues: Resolved in accordance with the OCA Constitution.
2. Technical issues: Resolved in accordance with the WXF Constitution.

9. Draw:
The draw will be held on on 2nd of November, 2009 at the Team Manager Meeting.

10.Technical Officials and Jury of Appeal:
10.1.Technical Delegate:
The Xiangqi Technical Delegate of Vietnam 2009, 3rd Asian Indoor Games shall be appointed by Asian Xiangqi Federation and approved by OCA and VAIGOC.
10.2.Technical Officials and Jury of Appeal
The necessary Technical Officials (referees, judges, umpires, timekeepers, inspectors, etc.) and a Jury of Appeal for Xiangqi competition shall be appointed by Asian Xiangqi Federation and approved by OCA and VAIGOC.
The Jury of Appeal shall be composed of a Chairman, which position shall be filled up by Xiangqi Federation of Asia.
10.3. Judges:
The necessary Referees shall be appointed by Asian Xiangqi Federation and approved by OCA and VAIGOC.

11. Claims and Protests:
Claims and protests made to the judges on the ground concerning matters of fact are decided by the Technical committee without appeal. Appeals against other decisions of the judge or with regard to any other matter must be addressed in due time to the Chairman of the Jury of Appeal, by a representative of the Member Organization of the NOC making the appeal.
Any claim must be made within thirty (30) minutes of the decision giving rise to the claim. The Jury of Appeal after an investigation shall then give a decision and this decision shall be irrevocable, except for the case of disqualification of a team or of a competitor for infraction of the Rules and Regulations of the Games, which shall be decided by the Court of Appeal. All claims and appeals must be made in writing.
Protests will be dealt accordance to the current international Rules.
All protests must be accompanied by a deposit of one hundred dollars (US$100) in cash or its equivalent, payable to VAIGOC.
Any protest without the said deposit shall not be considered.

12. Uniforms:
Competition uniforms will be in accordance with the current international Rules.
Participating athletes are required to wear the uniform of their NOC.
No athlete nor technical official can attach any commercial advertising to his or her competition uniform without prior agreement with OCA and VAIGOC.

13. Equipment:
Sport equipment will be in accordance with the specification of international standard.

14. Penalties in Case of Fraud:
A competitor proved fraudulently to have transgressed the Rules and Regulations of the Games Federation, may be disqualified and lose any position he/she may have gained. If this competitor’s Member Organization is proven to have been a party to the fraud, his/her NOC may be disqualified in the sport involved.

15. Doping Control/Gender Verification
15.1. Doping Control:
Doping Control for all events of the Vietnam – 2009, 3rd Asian Indoor Games will be conducted according to OCA Medical Committee directions and will follow the procedures specified by the World Anti–Doping Agency (WADA).
15.2. Competitor who is chosen to be tested with the notified after the match. When notified, the competitor must proceed to the Doping Center within an hour for examination. The competitor must bring an AD/ID Card. Those who are notified, but do not arrive at the center will be treated as testing positive. Competitor must be either accompanied by coach or team doctor. Gender examination will take place only when needed.
15.3. Gender verification: Gender verification tests may be carried out in accordance with the OCA Constitution and Rules.

16.1. Language: English and Vietnamese will be used for the Victory Ceremony.
16.2. Clothing: All awardees must wear their NOC’s official clothing.
16.3. Order of Awards: The medals will be called out and conferred in following order: 3rd, 2nd, 1st.
16.4. Prizes:
For individual events:
– First Prize: Gold medal and diploma for the winner in each event.
– Second Prize: Silver medal and diploma for the first runner–up in each event.
– Third Prize: (two Third Prizes) Bronze medal and diploma for 2 losers in semifinal match in each event.
For team events: (Medal will be award to 4 players and 2 reserves)
– First Prize: Gold medal and diploma for the winner in each event.
– Second Prize: Silver medal and diploma for the first runner–up in each event.
– Third Prize: Bronze medal and diploma for the second runner–up in each event.


下一个:2009年常州市首届松英杯象棋邀请赛 上一个:2009年全香港公开中国象棋个人赛 乙组

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