比赛编号:529 [已锁定] 信息来源:广西象棋协会 信息录入:东萍公司 更新时间:2010-11-23 | ||||
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第二届南宁象棋国际邀请赛 邀 请 函 致: 自:中国南宁市体育局,中国南宁市体育总会,中国广西象棋协会 中国广西南宁市是中国—东盟博览会永久举办地,是中国对外开发的前沿城市,是中国著名的“绿城”。为增进我们之间的友谊,加强南宁与世界各国的体育文化、经济贸易的交流与合作,由国家体育总局棋牌运动管理中心、广西壮族自治区体育局、南宁市人民政府主办,南宁市体育局、南宁市体育总会、广西象棋协会承办的第二届南宁象棋国际邀请赛将于2010年9月在南宁市举行(9月19日报到,20日至24日比赛,25日离会)。大会组委会诚挚邀请你们选派官员、棋手前来参加比赛,并观光旅游。 如你们有意参加,请在中国南宁市体育局网上查阅首届南宁象棋国际邀请赛竞赛规程,用电子邮件或传真报名。 中国南宁市体育局网址:http://ty.nanning.gov.cn/ 传 真:+86-771-2851480; 电子邮箱:nnsports*qq.com 期待着你们的到来。 南宁象棋国际邀请赛组委会 二○一○年五月二十六日 附件:第二届南宁象棋国际邀请赛竞赛规程、报名表 第二届南宁象棋国际邀请赛 竞赛规程 一、主办单位:国家体育总局棋牌运动管理中心、广西壮族自治区体育局、南宁市人民政府 二、指导单位:中国象棋协会 三、承办单位:南宁市体育局、南宁市体育总会、广西象棋协会 四、协办单位:南宁市体育管理培训中心 五、比赛项目:公开团体赛、公开个人赛 六、比赛时间:2010年9月20日至24日 七、比赛地点:中国广西南宁市翔云大酒店 八、参加办法: 1、邀请国家和地区:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南,日本、韩国,欧美、亚太国家;香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、中华台北。邀请的国家或地区各派1支队伍参赛。 2、广西壮族自治区和南宁市各1支队伍参赛。 3、每队可报领队1名,运动员2名,运动员性别、年龄、等级不限。 九、比赛办法: 1、执行亚洲象棋联合会制订的《象棋比赛规例》。 2、比赛采用瑞士制(积分编排制),具体轮次视报名情况确定。团体赛、个人赛一次进行,如只有1名运动员参赛,不计团体名次。 3、按各队报名顺序确定队员序号,第一轮采用上半区对下半区的方式进行编排,各轮比赛同队棋手均回避。 4、自裁判长宣布比赛开始,逾30分钟未到场者按弃权处理。 5、用时:使用棋钟,每方基本用时60分钟,每步加15秒,超时判负。 6、每轮棋手自行记录。 十、决定名次办法和奖励: 1、每局棋结果,胜者2分,负者0分,和棋各记1分。 2、个人名次不并列,积分多者列前。如积分相等,则按以下顺序依次区分:(1)对手分;(2)胜局;(3)犯规;(4)后手胜局。仍不能区分则抽签决定名次。 3、团体名次计算:以个人名次总和区分,少者列前。如个人名次总和相等,则按最高个人名次区分。 4、公开团体奖励前6名,公开个人奖励前8名,前3名发给奖杯,其余名次发给奖牌。 5、所有参加者均发给纪念品。 十一、经费: 1、境外往返交通费由各境外代表队自理; 2、各代表队比赛期间食宿费、市内交通费(从机场、火车站到宾馆)由大会负责。 3、旅游费用:在南宁市内游览费用由大会负责,市外旅游费用自理。 十二、报名和报到: 1、请于2010年8月20日前把报名表报至中国广西南宁市桃源路60-8号奥体宾馆八楼南宁市体育管理培训中心。报名联系地址:中国广西南宁市桃源路60-8号奥体宾馆八楼南宁市体育管理培训中心,邮编530021,联系人:杨毅斌,手机:086-*138*77131100*,传真:086-771-2851480,电子邮箱:nnsports*qq.com。 2、比赛报到时间和地点:请于2010年9月19日到中国广西南宁翔云大酒店服务总台报到,请提前告知抵达南宁的航班、车次,以便接机接站。 3、2010年9月19日20:30举行技术会议,请各队领队参加,20日18:30举行欢迎酒会,24日18:30举行颁奖酒会,请各队全体人员参加。 4、2010年9月25日离会。 十三、本规程解释权属大会组委会。 十四、本规程未尽事宜另行补充通知。 The 2th Nanning International Chess Invitational Tournament Invitation From: China Nanning Sports Bureau, China Nanning Sports Federation, China Guangxi Chess Association Dear Sir or Madam, As one of the cities in China reform and opening frontline, and a famous Green City in China, Nanning is now the permanent venue where the annual China-ASEAN Exposition is held. To strengthen the friendship, to enhance the communications and cooperation in the field of physical culture, economy and trade between Nanning and other countries, The 2th Nanning International Chess Invitational Tournament will be held in Nanning on September 2010 (September 19th Check-in; September 20th to 24th Tournament; September 25th End). The tournament will be hosted by Chess & Cards Administration Center of General Administration of Sports of China, Guangxi Sports Bureau, Nanning Municipal People’s Government, and it will be organized by Nanning Sports Bureau, Nanning Sports Federation and Guangxi Chess Association. We sincerely invite you to send officials and players to participate and have sightseeing. If your team is interested in this event, please read the regulations on the website of Nanning Sports Bureau and enter your name via e-mail or fax. The website of Nanning Sports Bureau: http://ty.nanning.gov.cn/ Fax: +86-771-2851480; E-mail: nnsports*qq.com Looking forward to you and your team’s coming. Attachment: regulation and entry form of the tournament The 2th Nanning International Chess Invitational Tournament Regulations 1. Hosted by: Chess & Cards Administration Center of General Administration of Sports of China Guangxi Sports Bureau Nanning Municipal People’s Government 2. Supervised by: Chinese Chess Association 3. Organized by: Nanning Sports Bureau, Nanning Sports Federation, Guangxi Chess Association 4. Co-organized by: Nanning Sport Administration & Training Center 5. Events: open group, open individual. 6. Date: September 20—September 24th, 2010 7. Venue: Nanning Xiangyun Hotel, Guangxi, China 8. Participants: 1) Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Japan, Republic of Korea, Europe, the USA, South Africa, Ocean-Pacific countries, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, Taibei of China; The country or area which are invited can send a team respectively. 2) Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Nanning are invited to send a team respectively. 3) Each team includes one leader and two players, with no limit to gender and rank. 9. Regulations: 1、Chess game regulation promulgated by Asian chess federation will be practiced. 2、The tournament will use the Integral layout, Specific arrangement according to the enrollment. Participants in group and individual events will be arranged in one time, if only one player take part in the match, it will not calculate in group. 3、the number of the player according to the Registration order. The arrangement of the first round will use the up district versus the down district. In each round, the players come from the same team should avoid their teammate. 4、when the head of judge announced the match begin (after 30 minutes), you don’t present, it means you give up the match. 5、Time limit: use the chess clock, 60minutes, each step will add 15 seconds, overtime is considered lost. 6、Players should take notes by yourself. 10. Ranks and awards 1、The result of each chess: win 2 scores; lost 0 scores; tie 1 scores. 2、The rank of individuals will not at the same level, The total scores of the individuals will decide ranks. the same scores in awarding list will according to the following: 1) opponents’ scores; 2) win; 3) illegality; 4) defensive position’ s win. If those methods can not judge, it will decide ranks by lot. 3、Group rank: The total rank of the individuals will decide ranks, if the total rank of individuals are same, it will be decided by the highest rank of individuals. 4、Awards will go to the top 6 groups and the top 8 individuals. The top 3 winners will receive cups, when others will receive medals. 5、All participants will receive souvenir. 11. Expense 1) The participant teams are to be responsible for their international round-trip travel expenses. 2) Expenses including accommodation, food, and local transportation (from airport/train station to the hotel) during the tournament will be covered by the organizing committee. 3)Travel expense: the organizing committee only covers travel expense in Nanning city. Other cities, all teams are in charge of their own expenses. 12. Entry and Registration: 1) All delegations please send the entry forms to Nanning Sport Administration & Training Center (8F of Aoti Hotel ) before August 20, 2010. Address: Nanning Sport Administration & Training Center, 8F of Aoti Hotel, No. 60-8, Taoyuan Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China, 530021. Contact person: YangYiBing, mobile phone number: 086-*138*77131100*,Fax:0086-771-2851480,E-mail: nnsport*qq.com. 2) Check-in time and place: all delegations please register and check in Guangxi Nanning Xiangyun Hotel on September 19th , 2010, and inform the organizing committee with the arrival flight or train number in advance for pick up reason. 3) All coaches please attend the technical meeting at 20:30 on September 19th, 2010; all participants please attend the welcome banquet held at 18:30 on September 20th and the awarding banquet at 18:30 on September 24th. 4) Time of departure: September 25th, 2010. 13. The Organizing Committee reserves all rights to all this regulation. 14. The matters uncovered in this regulation will be notified in due course. 第二届南宁象棋国际邀请赛报名表 The 2nd Nanning Xiangqi International Invitational Tournament Entry Form 队名 Name of Team 时间 Time 联系方式 Contact 姓名 Name 性别 Gender 领队 Leader 运动员 Players 等级 levels 备注 Notes | ||||
赞助单位 | ||||
下一个:2010年武汉城市圈职工象棋赛 武汉地区选拔赛上一个:2010年第29届省港澳埠际象棋赛 |