比赛编号:2413 [已锁定] 信息来源:中国棋牌网 信息录入:东萍公司 更新时间:2014-09-26 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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个人冠军5万元、亚军3万元、季军2万元、殿军6千元、第五名5千元、第六名4千元、第七名3千元、第八名2千5百元、第九、十名各2千元、第十一至十八名各1千元。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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资讯报道 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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比赛规程 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
一、主办单位: 中国象棋协会、广东省棋牌运动管理中心、东莞市体育总会 二、承办单位: 东莞市凤岗镇人民政府 三、竞赛时间和地点: 2014年9月22日至26日,在广东省东莞市凤岗镇杨官璘象棋馆(凤岗镇体育馆内)举行。 四、竞赛项目:个人赛。 五、参赛资格: 世界象棋联合会各会员、会友单位(不包括中国象棋协会),均可选派1名年龄40岁以下棋手(男女不限),作为特邀棋手参赛。除特邀棋手外,其他境外棋手均可自由报名参赛。 六、竞赛办法: (一)采用《亚洲象棋比赛规例》。 (二)比赛用时:每局棋每方基本用时60分钟,每走一步加20秒。 (三)采用九轮积分编排制。 七、奖励办法:奖金(人民币,税前) 冠军5万元、亚军3万元、季军2万元、殿军6千元、第五名5千元、第六名4千元、第七名3千元、第八名2千5百元、第九、十名各2千元、第十一至十八名各1千元。 八、报名、报到: (一)报名参加比赛的棋手应身体健康。 (二)报名办法: 所有参赛棋手应于2014年8月31日前报名,逾期无效。报名需提交报名表(加盖协会章)、护照扫描件及电子证件照片。 1、特邀棋手请将上述报名材料电邮并传真至中国象棋协会: 联系人:陈浩 电子邮箱:zgxqxh*163.com 电话:0086-10-87559131 传真:0086-10-67115732 2、自由报名棋手请将上述报名材料电邮并传真至赛会组委会: 电子邮箱:xinzo520*163. com 电话:0086-769-87509678 传真:0086-769-87509678 联系人: 朱定花 手机: *150*24062756* (三)报到: 请于2014年9月21日16:00前到凤岗镇体育馆报到。 九、经费: (一)特邀棋手: 食宿、交通费由组委会负担。交通费限于棋手所属协会所在地至广东省国际往返经济舱机票、火车票,机票或火车票抵达日期限于开赛前1周内,返程日期不限。棋手报到后,请将机票发票或火车票交组委会报销,以人民币结算。 (二)自由报名棋手: 1、一切费用自理。 2、报名费:每人100元人民币。 3、酒店参考费用如下:
(三)接待:组委会9月21日15:00前在深圳宝安机场或樟木头火车站安排免费班车接站。请需要接机、接站的棋手将抵达航班、车次于9月9日前告知组委会。提前或逾期抵达者费用自理。 十、日程安排
十一、相关细则请登录凤岗网体育频道(www.fenggang.gov.cn/tiyu/)。 十二、请棋手着正装出席开、闭幕式活动。 十三、未尽事宜,另行通知。 十四、本规程解释权属中国象棋协会。 点击下载:第六届“杨官璘杯”全国象棋公开赛(海外组)报名表 中国象棋协会 2014年7月25日 Ⅰ Organizer: Chinese Xiangqi Association(CXA) Board and Card Games Administrative Center of Guangdong Province Dongguan Sports General Union Ⅱ Host: People’s Governments of Fenggang Town, Dongguan City Ⅲ Date: Sep 22nd to Sep 26th ,2014 Venue: The Yangguanlin Xiangqi Museum(in Fenggang Stadium), Fenggang town ,Dongguan city ,Guangdong province , China. Ⅳ Competition Events: Individual event Ⅴ Eligibility: Members and Associate Members of World Xiangqi Federation(except Chinese Xiangqi Association) may enter one player, aged under 40 years old (male or female), participating as an invited guest player. In addition to the invited guest players, the other players from overseas are free to enter the competition. Ⅵ Competition Methods: 1. The Rules of Asian Xiangqi Federation will be used in the competition 2. Time regulations: The basic time usage for each player is 60 minutes, and 20 seconds will be added for each move. 3. 9 rounds in total,calculating game point. Ⅶ Prize Award List (RMB,pre-tax )
Ⅷ Entry 1. All participants should be in good health. 2. All participants should make entry no later than Aug 31th 2014.Completed entry forms (with seal of association) , copy of passport and electronic passport photo should be submitted. (1) Invited guest player please send the application files mentioned above to the Chinese Xiangqi Association by e-mail or fax: Tel: 86-10-8755 9131 Fax: 86-10-67115732 E-mail: zgxqxh*163.com Contact: Mr. Chen Hao (2) Other players please send the application files mentioned above to the Organizing Committee of this tournament by e-mail or fax: Tel : 86-769-87509678 Fax : 86-769-87509678 E-mail: xinzo520 * 163. com Contact: Zhu Dinghua Mobile phone:*150*24062756* 3. Registration: Please make registration at the venue before 16:00 on Sep 21st. The address of the venue is as following: South Hall of The Fenggang Stadium,Dongguan city. Ⅸ Accommodation and Transportation: 1. Invited guest players: The Organizing Committee will cover the expenses of accommodation as well as transportation for the Invited guest player. The expense of transportation is limited to the economy class international round-trip ticket or train ticket from the location of the participant’s association to the Guangdong Province, China. The arriving date of the air ticket or train ticket is restricted within one (1) week before the starting date of the competition, but the departure date is open. After the participants making registration, please submit the invoice of your air ticket or train ticket to the organizing committee, the money will be given in RMB. 2. The other players: (1) Everything will be covered by the participants. (2) Entry fee: RMB100.00 yuan per person (3)Information of hotels
3. Reception: The Organizing Committee will arrange buses to pick up participants for free on Sep21st before 15:00 at both the Shenzhen Bao’an Airport(SZX) and Zhangmutou Railway station. Participants, who needed pick-up provided by the organizing committee, please inform the Organizing Committee of the arrival flight and train number before 9th September. Any expenses might be caused by early arrival and late departure should be covered by the participant. Ⅹ Schedule
XI For the details, please visit http://www.fenggang.gov.cn/tiyu/ XII Dressing Code:Neat and tidy uniform are requested in the opening and closing ceremony. XIII Any unsettled matter not covered in this regulation will be notified later. XIV Chinese Xiangqi Association reserves the rights to interpret this regulation click here download :registration form Chinese Xiangqi Association Jul 25st ,2014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
赞助单位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
下一个:2017年陕西宝鸡市第33届大水川“陈仓杯”象棋公开赛 上一个:2014年健身象棋杯全国象棋少年锦标赛 女子丁组 |